Generating solutions via hexagonal cards

Hexagonal (‘hex’) cards are a good way to reduce clutter when finding a route to a goal. This frees up more mental space for generating ideas.

The hexagonal shape makes it easy to join up cards representing steps and create multiple connections, helping people to think creatively.

  • Tip: This method works best if you keep things simple, with about half a dozen cards.
  • Tip: This method works best if you have one person facilitating, and one person generating the ideas; if you use the method on your own, you have to think about the process, as well as thinking about the solution.


  • Hexagon card pack

Set down one card to represent you now, and another card above it to represent your goal (what you really want to achieve), as in the diagram below.

We’ve labeled the cards in the illustrations for clarity, but in practice you’ll probably find it quicker and simpler to use coloured cards (plain or textured) without words.


Put down a card between these two, representing the obvious way to proceed, as in the image on the next page. Choosing a coloured card lets you represent what you think of the obvious way.


Set down other cards to represent other routes to your goal. Again, using coloured cards lets you represent your opinion of each step.

You might find there’s a hard step to take before the easy one that lets you achieve your goal.


If you’re doing this with other people, discuss the route, and record the pros and cons that go with it.

Repeat as necessary.


•This approach complements PERT charts, which represent routes and costs.

•You can also use like/dislike plots to assess the options in a more nuanced way.

Copyleft Hyde & Rugg 2020